About the Cemetery
13802 Center Street
The Old Weston Cemetery is located on the north side of Euler Road and the New Weston Cemetery is on the south side, with the entrance facing Center Street.
We're lucky to have a wonderful Cemetery Sexton and Cemetery Maintenance who makes sure that the grounds and monuments are very well taken care of.
For questions related to the purchase of lots/deeds, please contact our Cemetery Clerk, Jodie Domer. She can be reached by phone at 419-601-1451 or by email at cemetery@westonohio.org.
Board Members: Diane Hillier, Robin Kaiser, Dawn Blandy
Resident: 350.00
Non-Resident: $650.00
Grave Purchase
Resident: $350.00
Non-Resident: $650.00
Opening/Closing for Cremations & Babies
(not to exceed 3')
Resident: $200.00
Non-Resident: $300.00
Additional charge for weekends or holidays $350.00
Foundation (to include 4" border): $0.30 per square surface inch
Grave/Burial Rates
Revised: 1/1/2022

Memorial Tree Program
Trees are regal symbols of life. They are born from seeds, grow, live a fruitful life, and slowly decline till death. Our Weston Cemetery has a large variety of trees, which in addition to being an important part of the landscape, provide homes for wildlife and cleanse the air we breathe. Many visitors enjoy collecting the leaves and buckeyes, while others run or take relaxing walks amongst the beautiful scenery.
Recently, the cemetery has taken out a number of trees due to storm damage, disease, or old age. This is unfortunate, but necessary to maintain safety for visitors and property. We have begun replacing trees, eager to maintain the beauty of the surroundings.
The Weston Cemetery offers families an opportunity to remember their loved ones with our Memorial Tree Program. By participating in this special program, family members will have a tree planted in honor of their loved one, as well as an opportunity to restore the beauty and health of the cemetery. For the sum of $400, a new tree will be planted in memory of your loved one. A plaque, to be placed in the Tree Park Area, will have the names of those being honored with a tree.
The trees the cemetery will purchase are approximately 2 inch caliper size and will be planted in pre-designated areas to create and enhance the Tree Park. Trees will be maintained by the cemetery, and installations will take place within the next appropriate planting season from the time of purchase or need for replacement, as weather allows. Trees can be purchased at any time, but plantings will be done in the fall. Trees will have a standard, one year replacement warranty.
Additionally, monetary donations in your loved ones' name can be directly contributed to the Memorial Tree Program, for care and maintenance of the tree park area. This is a wonderful opportunity to honor your loved one, and to create a lasting legacy for years to come.
To take advantage of this unique opportunity, please call or email:
Jodie Domer, Cemetery Clerk