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Permits are required when erecting any new building or structure or to relocate, enlarge or substantially alter any existing building, structure, or land; new permanent fence and/or change of configuration; providing or connecting onto water supply or sewage disposal facility; and chickens.  All permits must have detailed drawing attached and be completed by the property owner or signed letter of consent by property owner included with the permit.

Please contact the Zoning Inspector at 419-669-6263 or for any questions or more information such as setbacks, lot area, parking area in "R1" Residential District, "R2" Residential Multiple Housing District, "C" Commercial District, "M" Manufactured (Mobile) Home District, "I-1" Light Industrial/Manufacturing District, "I-2" Heavy or General Industrial/Manufacturing District.

Accessory Buildings (ex. sheds, temporary parking structures, movable storage units)

  • Permanent Accessory Buildings under 160sqft

    • 5 foot setback from the rear and side property line

    • Must be placed in rear yard

  • Permanent Accessory Buildings over 160sqft

    • 5 foot setback from the rear property line

    • 10 foot setback from the side property line

    • Must be placed in rear yard

  • Temporary Accessory Buildings

    • No longer than 18 feet in length

    • Must not exceed 160sqft

    • Cannot exist on property for a period exceeding 6 months

    • Must be placed in rear yard

    • Fee waived if use of temporary accessory building is less than 30 days, $30 Permit Fee if the temporary accessory building exists over a period of 30 days to 6 months

Animals in Residential Areas

  • 4H projects are permitted if approved by Weston Council, requests must be put in writing and include the signature of an appropriate 4H advisor or official

  • Chicken permits are $15 and must be renewed by June 15th of each year

  • Maximum number of chickens is not to exceed 6, and no roosters permitted

  • Chickens need to be contained in a coop constructed at least 10 feet from the property line and 15 feet from any dwelling; chickens are not permitted to run at large; must provide drawing of coop location in proximity to dwelling and property lines

  • No slaughtering of chickens within plain sight of neighbors or general public

Fencing in Residential Districts

  • Fencing permits $10

  • No closer than 6 inches from the property line, unless by written mutual consent of adjacent property owners

  • No barbed wire, electric current unless required by state or federal statutes

  • No greater than 4 feet and 1 foot off public right of way in the front yard, and not materially impede vision from driveways or street corners

  • No greater than 4 feet in the side yard, from the front lot line to the front of the primary structure

  • No greater than 6 feet in the side yard, from the front of the primary structure to the rear lot line

  • No greater than 8 feet in rear yard

Zoning Permit Fees


for projects under $15,000.
Projects over $15,000 cost $5+ sum of $2 per $1,000



must be renewed by June 15th each year





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