What is the population of Weston?
Per the 2020 census, Weston's population is 1,455.
Where is the Village Hall located?
13234 Main Street
the corner of Cherry Street and Main Street
What is the Village's Public Record's Policy?
All records of the Village of Weston are public, unless they are specifically exempt from disclosure under the Ohio Revised Code. For more information about the Village Public Record's Policy visit the Public Record Policy tab under Government.
When does Village Council meet?
The 1st and 3rd Monday's of every month at 6PM at the Village Hall.
Does Weston have income tax?
Yes, the income tax rate is 1%. All filing is done through (R.I.T.A.) Regional Income Tax Agency.
Who do I call to mark utilities?
If you plan on digging or moving earth in any way, call 8-1-1 or OHIO811 at 1-800-362-2764, at least 48 hours but not more than 10 days, before digging so utilities can mark their facilities. It's free and it's the law! Brochures on Natural Gas Safety and Safe Excavation practices are available at the Village Hall.
Does Weston have a police force?
The Village is contracted with the Wood County Sheriff's Office for police protection.
A reminder from the Sheriff: In the event that you witness something suspicious, don't hesitate to contact us. If you call us as an incident is taking place instead of waiting to report it, deputies can be on the scene in a matter of minutes. In the event of an emergency, dial 911. For non-emergency calls, call 419-354-9001.
Is there a notification service for citizen alerts?
We understand the importance of communicating with you and ensuring that we keep you in the loop regarding events affecting the Village of Weston. As a result, we are pleased to announce that we are initiating a new notification service called REACH Alert. This service will allow us to immediately share important information regarding a number of items, including waterline breaks/boil water advisories, power outages, road closures/delays due to construction or accidents, hazmat situations, AMBER/Silver alerts, police actions, and civic events. If you don't register, we can't share important information with you. You decide if you want a text message, voice call, or an email. Each household can register up to 4 phone numbers and 4 email addresses. All you need to do is:
1. Go to www.reachalert.com and click on Sign Up (upper right hand corner).
2. Network Name: type Village of Weston (click on our name when it appears).
3. Follow the prompts and enter your preferred contact information. When you enter your address, click on it when it appears in the drop-down list.
My power is out, who do I call?
Call Toledo Edison's toll-free, 24-hour Outage Reporting Line, 1-888-LIGHTSS (1-888-544-4877)
Report your outage online, or
Report your outage via text message.
Text REG to 544487 (LIGHTS) to get started.
Who do I contact in case of a water or sewer emergency?
Northwestern Water Sewer District
Phone: 419-354-9090
Toll-Free: 877-354-9090
If you are experiencing a water or sewer emergency and need to reach us after hours, please contact the Wood County Sheriff’s office: 419-354-9001.
Does the village participate in an electric aggregate program?
The Village’s consultant, Aspen Energy, who manages our Aggregation Program, monitored the energy market to “strike” a favorable renewal electric rate for Village of Weston residents. In 2021 we secured the rate of $.0487 per kWh through supplier Dynegy, through May 2024. It is projected that the Toledo Edison Standard Service Offer rates are going to go up significantly (12.15 cent per kWh) over the next year starting this June 2023. Eligible participants may opt-in or opt-out of the Aggregation Program at no fee. Opt-Out notices were mailed out March 2021, if you Opt-ed Out of the program and believe you will be affected by the Toledo Edison rate increase contact Jay Sell with Aspen Energy at 614-884-5300 ext. 234 to enroll or Dynegy at 888-682-2170 and refer to the Village of Weston Aggregation Program.
The circumstances that led to the high utility rates began two years ago, with the severe cold snap that hit Texas, in addition, current world events along with increasing energy generation and transmission costs have only exacerbated the situation.
The Village knows and understands the value this program provides for our residents and we believe our electricity aggregation program will continue to benefit Village of Weston residents moving forward.
For more information about the program visit: https://www.dynegy.com/municipal-aggregation/communities-we-serve/Ohio/Weston
What services does the Village offer it's citizens?
Heavy Trash Drop-Off Day
On a Saturday (typically in May) roll off dumpsters will be available at the old bus garage lot (Broadway Ave) for Village residents to drop off heavy trash items that you normally are unable to put in your regular refuse pick-up service. No paint, tires, or hazardous materials. Proof of residency is required. Early drop-offs are strictly prohibited.
Brush Pick-Up
Brush Pick-Up is offered 2x/year in the Spring (1st week of April) and Fall (week before Halloween) for Village residents. No stumps, yard waste, rose/thorny bushes, or leaves are accepted. Brush cannot be bigger than 3-4" inches in diameter. Make sure all cut ends are pointed in the same direction and brought to the curb. The Village, at its discretion, will not collect entire trees or bushes as a result of work by a contractor or is of such size and multitude it surpasses the intent of brush. The Village does not pick up after storm damage unless an alert notification has gone out due to significant storm damage throughout the Village. Putting brush out to the right-of-way outside of brush pickup times is a violation of section 174.01 of the Weston Municipal Regulations which can result in a penalty if the violation is not addressed. The Wood County Landfill takes *yard waste, visit the Wood County Landfill website for more information.
Live Christmas Tree Recycling
Typically the first full week of January the Village will pick up and recycle live Christmas trees. Residents wanting to have their live trees picked up are to put them at the curb during that time and they must be free of all decorations.
Leaf Pick-Up
Typically the end of November, based on the falling of leaves the Village offers leaf pick up for the residents. Leaves must be raked into neat piles to the curb, but not into the street and to keep storm drains clear of leaf debris.
Is there recycling service in Weston?
Through a county program 24/7 drop-off recycling dumpsters have been placed at the park on Broadway. These 24/7 dumpsters are for RECYCLING ONLY, no trash! All cardboard is required to be broken down and flattened. Bagged items must be emptied, bags are not accepted. If the bins are full will be closed and you are asked to take your recyclables with you and come back after they are emptied on Fridays, items are not to be left outside of the bins. Please read the labels posted on the bins that share the types of recyclables accepted, contaminants in the bins may cause a whole route to end up in the landfill. Those who do not follow the recycling guidelines will be caught and prosecuted. Report illegal dumping to the Solid Waste Management District at 419-354-9297. For more details visit recyclewoodcounty.org.
My neighborhood is overrun by stray cats, what can be done?
There is no county animal control, or easy solution when it comes to stray cats. Instead, the entire community does need to come together to address the community cats. Here are some resources:
The Village of Weston is excited to announce a partnership with Midway Animal Hospital to support our Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program! Thanks to a generous grant from Suburban Natural Gas, we have limited funds available on a first-come, first-served basis for Village of Weston residents. This initiative focuses on community cats - stray, feral, and other outdoor cats that are not considered pets - to help humanely manage their population.
To participate, please complete the form by clicking HERE. Once the form is submitted, the Village office will review your application and reach out during business hours to inform you if your application is approved and to provide further instructions. If you have any questions or need assistance with the process, please email clerk@westonohio.org or call/text 419-669-3224.
We're here to support you in making the TNR program a success and assist in your efforts to care for our community cats. Together, we can create a healthier, happier community for everyone!