Parks & Rec Board
Doug Marion - Chairperson
Kristyne Long - Secretary
Ron Dallas
Howard Lashuay
Council Representative: Brittney Klockowski
Parks & Recreation Board ~ Duties established by Council 8/7/2023
Village Parks and Recreation Board
The Parks and Recreation Board, hereafter referred to as “Rec Board”, is hereby authorized to be established for the purpose of studying, organizing, and implementing recreational activities, events and programs in and for the Village of Weston.
The Rec Board shall be composed of not fewer than three (3) nor more than five (5) members, one member may be a non-resident, appointed by the Mayor. Each member shall serve a term of three years, subject to re-appointment.
A council representative will be provided, and appointed by the Council President Pro Tempore.
The first meeting of each year the Rec Board shall select a chairperson and secretary.
The Mayor may remove any member for cause, provided that such removal shall not take place without the majority vote of Village Council.
Resignation of a member of the Rec Board shall become effective upon filing with the Village Clerk.
Powers and Duties
The Rec Board is hereby recognized as an executive oversight body of the Village and shall have the power to:
Study, organize and implement recreational activities, events, facilities and programs for the Village of Weston.
Advise the Village Council on maintenance, upgrades, and improvements of Village parks, playgrounds, and other recreational areas.
Enter into contracts with vendors for the implementation of activities, events and programs organized by the Rec Board.
Expend public funds not to exceed those sums appropriated by council for recreational facilities, programs, activities, and events
Adopt rules regulating its proceedings, activities, events and programs.
The Rec Board shall hold a regular meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. The hour and place of the meeting shall be scheduled at 6:30PM, and not exceed 2 hours, at the Village Hall (13234 Main Street).
All meetings of the Rec Board shall be open to public attendance and shall be subject to the provisions of the Ohio Open Meetings Act.
Attendance of all members is encouraged. Unexcused absences of members from any 4 consecutive meetings, may be cause for removal.