All vendors/solicitors/door-to-door marketers, etc. must apply for an Application. Before the application is considered, a BCI (if you have been an Ohio resident for the last 5 years, $32), or FBI (if you are an out of state resident, or have not lived in Ohio for the past 5 years, $35) background check MUST be completed for each individual listed on application. Visit the Wood County Sheriff's office for more details on WebCheck Fingerprinting; to expedite your visit, you may download and complete the WCSO form prior to appointment. Please have results sent directly to the Village of Weston, PO Box 354, Weston, OH 43569. We also require a copy of picture identification for each person to be sent with application.
Please allow at least one week for this application to be processed. Upon approval/denial, the applicant will be contacted at the phone number(s) or address listed on application. The application fee is $5 for Village residents and $15 for non-residents, per year, payable upon application approval.
If you own property that is either leased or rented to tenants within the Village of Weston you are required to report this information to the Village of Weston. Due to difficulties locating taxpayers that live in town but do not own their property, Regional Income Tax Agency (RITA) requires all landlords to report tenant information:
When tenants move in or move out, the Village of Weston is to be notified of this information before the end of the month (landlords are to submit Form T-1).
At the end of each year, the Village is to receive an annual report of all landlord-owned units no later than January 31st, showing those currently occupying said units, which units are unoccupied, and those who moved in/out during the year (this should be reported on Form T-2).
No overnight parking allowed at the Village Parks. No vehicle should be parked at the parks unless person is utilizing that park.
In order to facilitate the cleaning of the streets and to expedite the free flow of traffic, no vehicle shall be parked on the designated and identified streets, alleys, highways, or public property in the village whenever a snow emergency has been declared. Vehicles in violation may be removed and subject to penalty.
Parking prohibited on Main Street between Taylor Street and Cherry Street during the hours of 3AM and 6AM each day.
Parallel parking designated on Main Street between the railroad tracks and Cherry Street.
The Wood County Sheriff’s Office is currently inspecting “street-worthy” golf carts. Ohio Law allows the Sheriff to authorize such licensing in each county, as long as equipment standards are met on each vehicle. To be street legal, golf carts must have headlights, brake lights, tail lights, turn signals, windshield, horn, rearview mirror, license plate lights, and not capable of traveling over 20 mph. An Ohio operator’s license is required to operate the golf cart. There has to be a seat belt for every occupant on the golf cart, children must utilize child restraint seats as required by the Ohio Revised Code, and proof of Insurance must be presented at time of Inspection. Also, your golf cart must have a VIN (vehicle identification number) please know where this is located on your cart and make sure it is clean and readable.
Carts must be Inspected by a deputy at the Wood County Sheriff’s Office. This service is provided to all Wood County residents who seek to operate their golf cart on legal roadways within the areas of the county. Individuals must bring the cart to the Sheriff’s Office at 1960 E. Gypsy Lane Rd. Bowling Green, Ohio 43402. Appointments may be made by calling 419-373-6519. Inspections available by appointment only, Monday through Friday from 9:00 – 3:00. Each golf cart that passes inspection will be authorized to purchase a title and registration from the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, along with Ohio license plates to make their golf cart street legal. These plates must be affixed to the front and rear of the golf cart. Golf carts that become licensed will be restricted to roadways that are not divided highways or with speed limits greater than 35 mph.
For a detailed list of legal mandates that are necessary for licensing, safety equipment and more information, refer to Ohio Revised Code Section 4503.10 and 4501:2-1. All carts presented for inspection must meet those standards set forth before being considered for inspection. For questions not answered there, please contact Lt. Rodney Konrad at 419-373-6519.
This inspection process does not apply to ATV’S or UTV’S, only golf carts USV (Under Speed Vehicle less than 20 M.P.H.) types.
Golf Cart drivers also are required to follow the same rules as other drivers. For example, DUI laws and insurance laws apply to anyone driving a golf cart on public roads.
Please keep your sidewalks free and clear of snow and ice this winter.
Sidewalks within the Village must be cleared of snow and ice of two (2) inches or more within 24 hours of any storm. Sidewalks not cleared in time will be considered a public nuisance, and the Village Administrator (or designee) may have them cleared at the Village's expense. The costs will then be billed to the property owner. Unpaid charges after 30 days may be assessed to property taxes.
We're putting together a list of individuals available to assist Weston residents with snow shoveling this winter season! Whether you're offering your services for a fee or free of charge, we'd love to include you. The list can be viewed here: If you're interested, or now of someone - such as a child or individuals - who would like to be added to the list, please send their contact information to
Residents are to keep weeds/grass trimmed under a height of seven (7) inches and tree limbs from extending over a public sidewalk less than six feet above sidewalk. When mowing your lawn please avoid discharging the grass clippings and other yard waste into the streets. When it rains, the waste is washed into the storm drainage system and gets clogged, and when storm drains are clogged due to excessive sediment/debris build up, flooding occurs.
The display of address street number on the front of any residential, commercial or industrial building in the village is required, mailboxes are not an exception as those are a requirement from USPS. The numbers must be at least three (3) inches in height, but not more than six (6) inches in height, and visible from the public right-of-way.
Did you know that a mosquito’s life cycle averages about two weeks, but can range from a few days to a month? Eggs hatch when they’re exposed to water. The larva then live in the water, surfacing to breathe air. Pupa form for up to a week, just before the bugs become adults, when their body parts will harden and they’ll begin to fly. Only female adults bite and feed on the blood of humans and animals. Females will feed and then lay eggs directly on water or soil, or at the base of some plants or in places that may fill with water. Their eggs can survive dry conditions for several months. Learn more at
Preventing mosquito bites
• Use an insect repellent that includes DEET, or another EPA-approved product.
• Wear long, loose, light-colored clothing when possible.
• Remove standing water sources to discourage breeding.
• Limit outdoor activities at dusk and dawn, when mosquitoes are most active.
Discourage mosquitos from breeding
If it’s full of water, something as small as a bottle cap can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Discourage breeding at your home by removing sources of standing water. Walk around the outside of your home at least once a week and empty any water that’s collected in toys, birdbaths, buckets and other objects. Get rid of old tires and other objects that can collect water.
Larvicides can be used to treat wet areas that will not be used for drinking, where mosquitoes may breed. Wood County Health Department distributes mosquito dunks to residents free of charge. They can be used in areas like rain barrels, pool covers, fountains, septic tanks and gutters. For more information, visit the health department’s Environmental Health Division on East Gypsy Lane Road in Bowling Green, or call 419-354-2702.
No person shall keep, harbor, posses, own, or care for a dog within the village that has been determined to have been dangerous or vicious pursuant to ORC section 955.11. This restriction shall apply whether or not the incident that led to the determination as dangerous or vicious occurred within the village.
Ohio Dog License Laws ~ More details can be found by visiting the Wood County Dog Shelter
All dogs 3 months of age or older shall be registered and licensed annually
Dog licenses shall be purchased immediately upon acquiring the dog or upon the dog becoming 3 months of age
A penalty in an amount equal to the registration fee shall be assessed for licenses not immediately acquired or renewed annually
Licenses shall be renewed each year between December 1 and January 31
All dogs in Ohio must be physically confined at all times or under the reasonable control of some person. Dogs or other domestic animals in the Village parks are not permitted without restraint on adequate leash of not more than ten feet in length.
Pet waste transmits disease, please clean up after your pet. Doggie-poo bags are provided at the village parks.